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6 Books To Add To Your Reading List In 2023!

Dr. Joe Dispensa, the Neuroscientist who is well renowned for helping the world awaken to the powers of the human mind, and how we can create our reality through changing our brainwave state during meditation.

This book is a go-to for understanding the supernatural mind, that we all possess.

Are you trying to manifest your dream life? heal from trauma? or create better feelings in your life?

Look no further than Dr. Joe Dispenza's 'Becoming Supernatural'

you already ARE supernatural, this book will help you think, feel, and believe in just how truely powerful you are.

Spiritual Activator - Oliver Nino.

5 steps to Clearing, Unblocking and Protecting your Energy to Attract more Love, Joy and Purpose.

Oliver Nino is a gifted healer, he takes you through how you can conduct your own 15 day energetic cleanse,

so you can learn to protect your own energy field, work with intention, and shift your reality! Once you have completed your 15 day energy cleanse, you can tap into your own spiritual gifts with greater ease- Are you a Psychic? a Healer? a Channel? or maybe you have the powers to effect the weather?

"This book just lights you up on the inside, and outside, and helps to transform you in ways you didn't know possible!"

Chakras Made Easy, Seven Keys to Awakening and Healing the Energy Body - Anodea Judith.

If you're looking for a simple book to help you awaken your mind to the seven main energy centres in the body, then look no further than this incredible book. A gifted healer, Anodea helps us understand the importance of our energy centres, and how understanding them helps to create healing on multiple levels.

Understanding our Chakra systems can help us understand our emotional body, and transcend our normal awareness of life!

Code Red, Know your flow, unlock your monthly

superpowers, and create a bloody amazing

life, Period. Lisa Lister.

This one's for the women.

Lisa is a local Witch from the New Forest, UK, she helps empower women to understand how in ancient times our periods were revered, they were sacred.

Code Red, helps you remember the lost wisdom of our cycles, helps us to understand ourselves on deeper levels, and how to work WITH our monthly rhythms, to create an amazing life.

"The feminine balance has been out in society for far too long.

We indeed, need to learn to appreciate what it means to be a women in society again, and this book certainly does that. "

Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

Are you an entrepreneur looking to change your money mindset?

An incredible book that delves into the paradigms that either make us rich, or keep us poor.

This book helps awaken you to the powers of the rich, their mindset and how to invest your time, and money wisely.

One of the most well renowned millionaires, Robert Kiyosaki helps educate others in how to attain wealth within their lives.

this book is; "What the rich tech their kids about money, that the poor and middle class do not!"

Medical Medium - Anthony William.

Secrets Behind Chronic and Mysterious Illness, and how to finally heal.

This ones for those suffering from 'mysterious' or 'undiagnosed' health conditions.

Medical medium explores the topics of Epstein Barr virus, Herpes & Shingles viruses and the connection to Heavy metals, Chemical exposure & toxic foods.

This book helps you explore ways to finally heal.

I cannot stress how incredible the information is in this book, the power of celery juice, fruit, and eliminating foods that feed viral issues has been the number 1 thing that has motivated me through my healing- and I'm so happy to say that following the detox at the end of this book has helped me heal from chronic mouth ulcers, shingles, IBS, brain fog, depression, acne and has given me so much life back. I will be forever grateful for this book and the Medical medium Knowledge.

Which Books have you read?

I'd love to hear what your favourites are!

Happy Reading, Expanding & Growing,


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